Posted on 4/27/2023
Pre-Register NOW for the 2023 @nobsobstruckshow August 18th and 19th, 2023. T-Shirt Logo by @apocdesign Pre-Registration this year includes: *1-hr Early Bird Access Parking for Saturday - (8-9 am event entry for pre-reg vehicles only, grab a parking spot close!) *Guaranteed 2023 No BS OBS Event T-Shirt - Received day of event, one shirt per vehicle, these sell out quickly! ($25 value) *TWO Raffle Tickets ($20 value) *Show Vehicle Admission Both Days - You will receive your parking pass in the mail prior to the event. ($20 value) *OPTION TO ADD Show N' Shine Event - $20 extra/optional *@carrickcustoms SUSPENSION KIT GIVEAWAY - Exclusive chance to win Carrick Customs Complete OBS D60 Coil Over or TTB Dana 50 Kit with King Coilovers ($5800 Value). Only Pre-Registered guests are eligible to win! Must be prese ... read more
Posted on 4/26/2023
Here are some of the ways that a key drop box can help make your life easier: Convenience: With a key drop box, you don't have to worry about finding time to return your keys during regular business hours or waiting in line to do so. You can drop off your keys at any time that's convenient for you, whether that's before work, after hours, or on the weekend. Safety: A key drop box provides a secure way to return your keys. Instead of leaving them locked up in your car, you can simply drop them into the box and rest assured that they'll be safe until they're retrieved. Ease of use: Using a key drop box is incredibly simple. Just locate the box, open it up, and drop in your keys. Many key drop boxes are clearly marked and provide instructions for use, so you don't have to worry about any confusion. Speed: With a key drop box, you can retrieve your keys quickly and easily, without any unnecessary delays. This is especially important for contractors or businesses ... read more
Posted on 4/4/2023

Long road trips, exploring off the beaten path, camping in the middle of nowhere, all things millions of Americans enjoy. The one thing you need is confidence in whatever you drive. You don’t want to get to the perfect camping spot just outside of cell signal just to find out your truck won't start back up. Or stuck in the mud because the 4wd system won't engage. No matter the situation, you don’t want to worry about car trouble. That's why keeping up on maintenance is important, especially traveling away from home. That’s how you can take a 25+ year old truck camping and not worry. You know that everything is working how it’s supposed to. We know things happen and parts fail, but a good maintenance plan and quality replacement parts help to keep these issues to a minimum. We are excited to help with all your automotive needs and strive to make owning your car the best experience possible, no matter what you use it fo ... read more