Posted on 7/22/2022

As a technician it makes us confused why manufactures are starting to recommend more and more mileage in between oil changes. A lot of things can happen in 10,000 miles. Oil changes are inexpensive compared to replacing an engine. In these pictures you can see what happens when regular maintenance is not being done. The Engine oil pickup is completely plugged with oil sludge. Lack of service is the main cause. A plugged oil pickup can severely cause a lack of oil flow to the engine, resulting in severe engine damage. Give us a call today to find out what we recommend for your vehicle. There is a mileage difference between regular and synthetic oil changes. It doesn't matter whether you drive a Honda or a Volks ... read more
Posted on 7/21/2022

Crabtree Automotive is proud to help sponsor this great event! This is the biggest OBS Ford specific event in the country! The event kicks-off this year on Friday afternoon at an awesome new location just outside Salem at the Powerland Heritage Park! The new venue offers tons of grass and shade parking as wells as 14 unique on-site heritage museums with something for everyone (vintage and antique cars/trucks and heavy equipment). More details about the venue can be found here: Get More Details Here:
Posted on 7/20/2022

You would be surprised how quickly your cabin air filter can get filled with dirt and debris! Smoke from fires, dirt from Farmers tilling up their ground, trees, etc. This is why we check it at every oil change. The cabin air filter is responsible for filtering out pollutants from the air into the cabin. If your cabin air filter is dirty it will be unable to do its job allowing pollen and other allergens into your vehicle. By keeping a clean filter it will allow proper airflow through your ventilation system keeping your components from being overworked and having the possibility of burning your motor and causing your air conditioning to stop working. A sign your filter might need to be changed is if your vents aren't blowing as strong as they used to. At Crabtree Automotive we work on all makes and models of vehicles, even European. From Honda's to Audi's. Just give us a call ... read more