Posted on 11/16/2023

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year are all right around the corner. Are you ready? Is your car ready for all the miles? We know the holiday season can be very stressful, and we want to help alleviate some of that stress. No one has time for car trouble in the middle of the holiday season, here are some things you can do to make sure your holiday is car trouble-free. First of all, your budget can be tight around Christmas. We offer several payment options to keep your automobile on the road without breaking the bank. Next, fix any known issues you may have been putting off. If you bring your car in for an Oil Service at Crabtree Automotive, we will be doing a full inspection as well. Or, if you have recently had your car serviced but still want to make sure it is good for that long drive to grandma’s house, then let us do a Trip Inspection. There are some simple things you can check in your own driveway! You can check your windshield washer f ... read more
Posted on 11/14/2023

The best way to make sure your car will last for years to come is proper maintenance! That means changing the fluids, filters, rotating tires, and having your vehicle regularly inspected. Beyond regular maintenance, there are parts that wear out naturally, and parts can fail simply from usage and age. That is why we inspect your vehicle every time you bring it in. Once we have checked your vehicle from bumper to bumper, we will give you a report of what we find and a maintenance plan that keeps your car running and your wallet happy. We also highly recommend preventive maintenance. This means taking care of items on your vehicle before they become an issue, such as drive belts, shocks, and other suspension components. These are wear items that, if left unchecked, can cause some serious issues that can shorten the life of your vehicle and be a major inconvenience when they fail. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to ... read more
Posted on 11/9/2023

Short answer: Yes! They are there to let you know something is wrong. Modern automobiles use more computers and sensors than ever before. One reason is for all the features we have become accustomed to. Another reason is to try to maximize the efficiency of your engine to reduce our carbon footprint. Features like accident avoidance, self-driving, and hybrid drive systems are just a few of the advanced features that require a lot of sensors and computers. Automobiles have been using sensors and basic computers since the 1990s. Back then, a check engine light meant you had engine trouble or a sensor had failed. Nowadays, a warning light could indicate an issue in any part of the car. Luckily, computers and software have advanced, and the systems and sensors have become more reliable. When a warning light comes on, it is vital you get it diagnosed as soon as possible. The downside of all these advancements is how much our technicians have to learn just to be able to diagnose and repair m ... read more
Posted on 11/7/2023

It can be smarter to keep your car now because of interest rates, car prices, and inflation. We will talk about some of the things to consider when deciding to replace your car or keep it. As your vehicle ages, there are maintenance services that have to be done at various mileages. Also, as your car wears, parts can fail and will need to be replaced. Both of these examples add to the cost of owning a used vehicle. Oil services, tires, and batteries will need to be taken care of on newer vehicles just like your current car. Unlike most used cars, new vehicles typically will have a payment and higher insurance. Not to mention how high interest rates have gotten. According to Bankrate, in November 2023, new car rates range from 5.07% to 21.38%. The average car payment in the United States is $729. It's easy to see how expensive a new car can be, but there are some rare cases when replacing a car is better than repairing it. In most scenarios, it is financially reasonable to m ... read more
Posted on 11/2/2023

But my tires rotate every time I drive! Not that rotate! When we do a rotation service, we take the wheel off your car and move it to a different wheel well on the car. We do this to help prevent uneven tire wear. Often, the front tires wear differently than the rear tires because of turning and braking. Also, each corner of your automobile can wear tires differently. That’s why we rotate your tires during every oil service. This allows the tires to wear evenly and helps your tires last as long as possible. We also look at tire wear, pressure, and tread depth. When we remove the wheel and tire, we inspect your brakes and suspension as a courtesy. We want to ensure your vehicle lasts as long as possible, including your tires! You need a maintenance plan for your car that fits your budget and schedule. Let us create the perfect plan for you. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2023

Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is a mixture of water and various chemicals to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. What is a coolant flush service? The chemicals in the coolant serve different purposes depending on the type of coolant. It can be a basic antifreeze additive all the way up to advanced European, or diesel coolant with additives. This helps with corrosion, extended service intervals, or heavy-duty use. Just like the rest of the fluids your vehicle uses, coolant has a lifespan and needs to be changed at the recommended age. When coolant breaks down, those additives become less and less effective. Another issue that you can have with coolant is contamination or debris in the cooling system. There are several components in the cooling system, often made of different materials. This can cause corrosion to form between dissimilar metals. When we service your automobile, we will inspect your coolant for breakdown and cont ... read more
Posted on 10/26/2023

Cars aren’t affected by cold like people or animals, but the cold can cause some issues. It’s that time of the year when temperatures start to drop, the rain or snow sets in, and things slow down outside. Your automobile is built to withstand a lot! Including pretty extreme weather conditions. It actually has to pass a long list of tests before it can be sold to the public. So you don’t have to worry about too much unless you live in one of those areas with extreme temperatures, like Alaska, for example. But those tests are done on brand-new vehicles. What happens after a few years and thousands of miles? We are lucky here in Albany, Oregon, and we don't get super cold here, so for us there are really only a few things to consider for your automobile when the temperatures drop. Batteries, as the temperatures decrease, so does the efficiency of batteries. That's why batteries have several ratings on their label. C.A. (C ... read more
Posted on 10/24/2023
Have you seen gas prices lately? Every last drop counts! Keeping your vehicle in tip-top shape is important not only for the longevity of your vehicle, but also making sure you aren’t spending more on gas than you should be. Here in the United States, we spend so much time in our car or truck that we get to know its quirks and how it operates pretty well. So when the fuel in the tank doesn’t seem to take you as far as it used to, you notice pretty quickly. There are a lot of things that could be causing this, we will go over some of the big ones. It could be time for a tune-up. Spark plugs, wires, and ignition coils are all regular maintenance items and will degrade over time. This will cause a loss in power and performance, which could lead to your vehicle using more gas than normal. Typically, if these fail you will also notice your engine running rough as well. Clogged filters, air filters especially, can cause a major loss of power. The ... read more
Posted on 10/19/2023

Rainy days have their own beauty, just like sunny summer days, but rain can make driving a bit more dangerous! After talking about how tires wear and how traction decreases in the rain, visibility also typically decreases. What does “visibility” mean anyway? Rain makes it harder for you to see out of your car and for others to see you. Snow and fog also have the same effect. That's why keeping good windshield wipers on your vehicle is important. Streaking on the windshield doesn't help visibility at all. Fresh wipers will keep the rain off without leaving a mess, chattering, or skipping across the window. Taking things a step further, Aquapel, a glass treatment that is applied to the windshield. It’s like putting your wiper blades on steroids! It allows the water to bead up and blow right off the window all by itself. This means your wipers don’t have to work nearly as much to keep your vision clear.   ... read more
Posted on 10/17/2023

We have talked about how important tires are and about the difference between normal tires and snow tires. What about WHEN to replace your tires? Tires are a normal wear item and are only designed to last a certain amount of time and miles. Because no road is perfectly smooth and we have to make turns, stop, and go, tires wear out. When is it time for new tires? There are several reasons for needing new tires: age, wear, and damage. Age can cause issues for tires, especially if they have spent their whole life outside in the sun. When tires age, they dry out, become less soft, and develop cracks in the rubber around the wheel or tread. While this may not immediately cause issues, a car or truck that doesn't get driven often can be extremely dangerous. It could separate or rupture without warning just sitting there or worse while driving down the road. Tires have date codes on them they will tell you when a tire was made. If your tire shows no signs of ... read more